Are your feet causing your lower back problems?
In this article we look at how your feet could be the cause of all sorts of problems for the rest of your body.

Our feet are made up of multiple small bones and joints that are put under immense pressure throughout the day. As we walk on a variety of surfaces in all types of footwear, our feet adapt with each step.
Over time, our feet lose mobility because of our sedentary lifestyles and stiff footwear, and that leads to all sorts of problems up and down the body.
The Fix
Grab a small ball, place it under your foot and begin to roll your foot around. Press gently down to start with. The harder and smaller the ball, the more pressure you’ll feel. Find some tough and grizzly spots and rub them. Spend around 5–6 minutes on each foot, then walk around bare foot for another five minutes, spreading and wiggling your toes as much as possible.
Tight hamstrings
Tight hamstrings can be a cause of tight feet. The network of connective tissue that runs up and down your body could be the cause of this, and gently rolling out your feet loosens this tissue and takes the pressure of your hamstrings.
If you’re super tight in your hamstrings, try stretching out your calves once you’ve finished rolling your feet.
Back pain
If rolling out your feet can work for your hamstrings, then it can work for you lower back, too as they’re connected. Tight hamstrings cause your pelvis to shift, which pulls on your lower back muscles as your pelvis settles in the wrong position.
If you’re suffering with you lower back, try stretching out your calves and then your hamstrings once you’ve finished rolling your feet.
Tension relief
Reflexology is a very successful practice that can help alleviate all sorts of pressure in your body. Rolling out your feet is very much like reflexology and can help alleviate tension and stress in your whole body.
Improve knee and ankle problems
Rolling out your feet improves their mobility. Poor mobility in your feet will cause your knees and ankles to compensate, which can lead to numerous problems over the years. The more movement you have in your feet the better your ankles and knees will operate during exercises and general activities.
I personally roll out my feet every day and again before any workout. It feel’s great, you’ll love it!
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