Decrease your decision fatigue through minimalism
Decision fatigue is the deterioration of our ability to make decisions – decisions which ultimately determine our success.

Decision fatigue is the deterioration of our ability to make decisions – decisions that ultimately determine our success.
But, where most seem to go wrong and where you can succeed, is by focusing on the bigger decisions – not the medial ones which compound over time. Steve Jobs and Apple are perfect examples – Jobs minimised his daily outfits whilst Apple’s design is extremely minimal, allowing them both more time and energy for their bigger needs.
I created The Capsule Diet™️ concept for this very reason since my clients were spending too much time worrying about what to eat, which was causing more harm than good. But, by helping them create a selection of meals (and therefore minimising their daily decisions), they were able to shift their focus onto other aspects of their lifestyles – like sleep for instance. To be honest, I can’t write a blog on decision fatigue without mentioning sleep.
Sleep is the first pillar in my healthy lifestyle system not only because it’s free and a highly effective health and wellness tool, but because it effects our ability to make the best choices – like what to eat[1]. Plus, this 2004 study[2] concluded that disturbed sleep is a higher predictor of fatigue compared to previously ‘well-established’ predictors – i.e. workload, stress, etc. The, when combined with the fact that 3/4 people aren’t currently getting enough sleep in the UK – you can quickly begin to see the importance of prioritising your sleep and minimising the number of daily decisions you’ll have to make.
Minimising your wardrobe, creating a Capsule Diet™️, essentialising, creating a priority list – there are many ways to help decrease your decision fatigue, allowing you the time and energy to focus on what really matters.
I’d love to know what you think.
Speak soon,
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