Motivation and consistency
Motivation and consistency are key ingredients for success when wanting to get fit or progress as an experienced athlete
Motivation and consistency are probably the most important factors to consider when wanting to get fit or progress as an experienced athlete.
For most, the daunting prospect of getting fit and changing their lives seems like a huge challenge. It is not and it does not have to be. As long as you have realistic goals and an educational platform to show you the correct approach, then it can be a very enjoyable journey – one that leads to personal success and achievement.
The key is consistency, and this comes with ensuring that you enjoy your sessions no matter whether it’s a 20-minute walk or a Fell run in the hills. If it’s not enjoyable, it’s unlikely that you will continue. The hardest part is when you are coming home from work and doing your training session or getting up 30 minutes earlier than normal and having to train. This is difficult for the most advanced athlete.
It is important to find something that motivates you whether that’s having a warm bath or cold shower to get you motivated, listening to your favourite music, or for some, it might be having a coffee to help them wake up. If you finish work and you have not eaten, you’re tired and haven’t fully hydrated yourself throughout the day, you are unlikely to feel motivated to train.
Planning ahead is very important
Visualising and looking forward to the training session and thinking through your action plan to ensure you are prepared will help prevent you from self-sabotaging it and finding an excuse not to do it. We’ve all done it at some stage! The benefits of just one session are huge especially at this beginning stage of your fitness journey. Adding consistency throughout multiple sessions over days and weeks is life-transforming and so knowing that at the beginning should drive you in your sessions.
Most people do not keep fitness up
This is because they get demotivated, they do not have anyone to help and support them, they feel as though they are not making any gains and so lose interest and self-confidence. This is normally because they are not training correctly and or they do not have that support. Elite Outdoor Fitness provides all that is needed to progress, understand the journey and the ups and downs and stick with your training.
Once a person has made good gains over an extended period of time it becomes more and more likely that they will keep it up, make it part of their healthier lifestyle and really have a sense of “I have to have this in my life’. They will meet new people, look and feel better and have increased self-confidence to have bigger goals in life overall.
It’s all about motivation
Elite Outdoor Fitness can help you with motivation, whether it’s reading our, listening to our audiobooks or watching our videos. Or you can benefit from having a personal training program with a coach; join our online group training programs, such as Remote Training Group; or come on one of our training days, events or participate in an event with Elite Outdoor Fitness. We can help you!
Nick Grainge
Elite Outdoor Fitness
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