Virtual event; can be run in individually, as a team of 2 or as a team of 5.
7 miles every 4 hours for a total of 70 miles.
You will be expected to run 7 miles, every 4 hours setting out for each rep at the time below.
- 6pm – 7 mile
- 10pm – 7 miles
- 2am – 7 miles
- 6am – 7 miles
- 10am – 7 miles
- 2pm – 7 miles
- 6pm- 7 miles
- 10pm- 7 miles
- 2am- 7 miles
- 6am – 7 miles
All participants to finish the last rep by 9am Sunday.
- You can NOT just run the 70 miles in one go. We want this to be a mental challenge as well as a physical challenge.
- The 7 miles reps need to be completed within the 4 hours, how quickly or slowly you wish to do it is completely up to you.
- The 10 reps must be completed on the SAME route (plan carefully)
- You may walk/hike/run/crawl
- You can run as a team of two or individuals. (See below for team guidance)
- All government guidelines and policy that are applicable in your area in regards to Covid must be followed.
Teams of two
- You must each take 5 reps ( so- 35 miles over 40 hours) which times you chose to complete your reps can be decided between you both!
- For your individual 7 mile reps you will need to maintain the same rules as the individual entrants detailed above.
Teams of five
- You must each take a minimum of 2 reps (so 14 miles each)
- For your individual 7 mile reps you will need to maintain the same rules as above for the individual entry.
What you get;
Online support via zoom/ ms teams from the OTT Crew (including children ) for the duration of the 40 hours.
We will provide speakers at certain points through out the Saturday to speak about all things running and trail running, times will be issued so you can plan finishing your reps or scheduled your sleep etc!
With all entries £5 will be donated to stump up for trees
With all entries you will receive a bespoke event medal and our OTT buffs!
Online leader board through race nation platform.
A massive sense of achievement.
To book please visit:
Remember pain will pass, pride will last